PNRI, QUEZON CITY – The Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture delivered a presentation entitled “Climate Change and its impact on Food Security” during the Technical Session at the National Seminar on Strengthening Adaptive Climate Change Strategies for Food Security Through the use of Food Irradiation on September 14, 2017.
The significant effects of Climate Change in Philippine Agriculture as Dir. Alicia said will “result in a reduction in agricultural productivity and income. Therefore, climate change could thwart the country’s goals of food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. “ She said that Climate change will greatly affect the quantity and quality of food that is produced, and consequently, it will become even more critical to preserve what has been produced.
Dir. Alicia Ilaga also added that Irradiation technology “can play an important role in food security and food safety.” She also added that “it is important to have emergency rations that are safe to eat and can be kept for long periods without the need for cold storage.”
The seminar aimed to increase awareness of policy makers, traders, scientists, researchers, regulators about the benefits of food irradiation technology as adaptation technology for climate change issues and food security.
The participants provided comments and feedback.
After the technical session, the participants proceeded with the tour at the Gamma Irradiation and Electron Beam Facilities.