The Department of Agriculture (DA) has tagged approximately Php 60 billion for climate change adaptation and mitigation in its FY 2025 budget proposal. The amount, which constitutes 33.4 percent of the DA Office of Secretary’s proposed budget for FY 2025, has been tagged under the Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET) initiative. The CCET tracks programs continue reading : DA tags P60B for climate change adaptation and mitigation in FY 2025 budget proposal

Cultivating resilience in a food-secure and climate-ready Philippines
Nature-based solutions and landscape approaches can support climate-resilient agriculture, fisheries and agroforestry, improving the livelihoods of millions of Filipinos in the agrifood systems. 04/07/2024 As the Philippines prepares for a transition from the El Niño weather phenomenon to La Niña in mid-2024, the country faces more pronounced climate-induced risks. Agriculture and fisheries are particularly vulnerable continue reading : Cultivating resilience in a food-secure and climate-ready Philippines

AMIA regional teams review performance, share best practices during FY 2024 AMIA Midyear Assessment
Regional focal persons and teams of the Department of Agriculture (DA) Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) Program reviewed their performance for the first half of the year and shared best practices in the AMIA Program implementation during the FY 2024 Midyear Assessment held from June 25 to 28, 2024 in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. continue reading : AMIA regional teams review performance, share best practices during FY 2024 AMIA Midyear Assessment

AMIA Gears Up for Heightened Climate Resilient Agriculture Advocacy
The Department of Agriculture (DA) Climate Resilient Agriculture Office (CRAO), together with the DA Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) Program regional teams, is strengthening its advocacy efforts promoting climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) to increase the resilience of the agri-fishery sector. DA CRAO met with its AMIA regional communications focal points virtually on June 7, continue reading : AMIA Gears Up for Heightened Climate Resilient Agriculture Advocacy

PH agrifood system stakeholders envision an agri sector with “cultivated resilience in a food-secure and climate-ready nation”
Stakeholders from the agrifood system in the Philippines have spoken: by 2050, they want a Philippine agriculture sector with cultivated resilience in a food-secure and climate-ready nation.This was one of the outputs of the National Participatory Foresight Workshop: Climate Actions and Resilience for the Agriculture Sector in the Philippines organized by the Food and Agriculture continue reading : PH agrifood system stakeholders envision an agri sector with “cultivated resilience in a food-secure and climate-ready nation”