QUEZON CITY — Regional Information Officers, Program Monitoring, and Evaluation Officers are the participants to the AMIA Knowledge Management Strategy Development Workshop in the pursuit to produce the strategic plan for institutionalizing AMIA Knowledge management on the 4th-5th of April at Oracle Hotel & Residences, Quezon City.
The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) CGIAR is leading a project foreseeing the creation of a Decision Support Platform for Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) Investment Prioritization in partnership with the Department of Agriculture System-Wide Climate Change Office (DA-SWCCO), and collaboration with DA Regional Field Offices (DA-RFOs) and State Universities and Colleges (SUCs).
This is part of the Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) Project of the DA. Part of the objectives of the project is to facilitate the development and institutionalization of an AMIA-wide knowledge management strategy to guide communication and outreach initiatives. In the end, what the Workshop has achieved was to (1) inform the communicators of AMIA work and its various studies, including through a comprehensive list of all AMIA program information and knowledge contents and products, which they may then decide whether useful to their communications/outreach work or not; and to (2) begin the exercise of consolidating all climate change-related reference and communication/outreach materials that have been/are being used by the various agencies/offices: DA- AFID, DA-RFOs, DA-ATI, DA-BAR, AMIA program partners.